Anteproyectos, estudios Preliminares, Tramites ambientales - Camacho Fernández Costa Rica


Development of master plans

The development of master plans has made it possible to define specific, additional, and complementary actions, specifying their need in time, priority, and estimated cost for the most effective execution of different projects.

Preliminary projects

We elaborate spatial, technical, and functional proposals, which represent a clear product that contains the project’s own identity, exceeding the highest expectations and managing to capture the product envisioned by our clients.

Basic studies

We execute a wide variety of basic studies with efficiency and a high degree of professionalism, clearly establishing the existing conditions for the project that result in quality inputs with the necessary information for the design and construction of the preliminary studies that we carry out.

Preliminary Studies

We carry out meticulous studies that allow us to clearly identify the resources available on the various information platforms, through the exhaustive compilation and detailed analysis of the information related to our projects.

Design, construction plans and technical specifications

Construction plans are the reflection of the basic studies, development plans and the design itself; depending on the project they are the most important aspect of a project.

The technical specifications consist of all the requirements that are requested of the materials or construction processes in accordance with the needs of the project; They include the procedures by which the quality of the materials and construction processes are evaluated according to the guidelines of current regulations.

Prefeasibility and Feasibility Studies

They are a fundamental tool for decision-making by investors in each project.

We carry out pre-feasibility studies in the awareness that the objective pursued by our clients is to define and reduce the margins of uncertainty through the estimation of profitability ratios.

Seismic vulnerability studies

Costa Rica is a country with frequent seismic events that cause damage to structures such as bridges and buildings, which can affect their capacity and functionality.

We perform many seismic vulnerability studies that provide us a wide experience in the field, resulting in better reinforcement solutions.

Functional Studies

We are committed to the development of studies that allow the improvement of road functionality to obtain better levels of service and shorter travel times for users of the national road network.

We perform functional analysis of streets and intersections through vehicle counts with high-tech devices.

Environmental procedures

For our company, the planet and future generations are of great importance; the impact that projects generate on the environment has repercussions on the quality of life of its inhabitants. Minimizing this impact or establishing the necessary actions to prevent or mitigate it, is part of our responsibility towards the society. We are committed to contribute with our efforts and providing innovative technical solutions that are beneficial to the environment.

We offer strategic consulting in the environmental and social field for feasibility studies, environmental impact studies, environmental management plans, risk management, ecosystem restoration plans, among others.

Structural diagnosis through destructive and non-destructive tests

The company uses different methodologies to guarantee and verify the quality and safety in works under construction or existing works.

We perform destructive and non-destructive tests on the materials and elements of the structures; which allows an effective quality control and maintenance, allowing the assessment of these and allowing the definition of the necessary measures to prolong or maintain the useful life of the infrastructure under study.

The execution of these tests, either by the company or by contracted services, is done according to the current regulations of the Institute of Technical Standards of ASTM standards, requirements of the American Concrete Institute, American Welding Society and other national and international requirements.

Specialized equipment

Costa Rica is a country with frequent seismic events that cause damage to structures such as bridges and buildings that can affect their capacity and functionality.

We have extensive experience and carry out seismic vulnerability studies of structures that result in the best reinforcement solutions.
